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Volunteer Sign-Up

Volunteer Roles

  • Field Trip/Event Planner - Plan and organize educational and recreational events.

  • Field Trip/Event Point of Contact of Chaperone - Be the main point of contact for events, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

  • Class Teacher - Lead community classes and share your expertise with others.

  • Support Volunteer - Provide essential assistance at events and with various activities, ensuring smooth operations and contributing to the success of our initiatives.

  • Community Partner - Collaborate with RCC as a non-homeschool parent or local business to support our initiatives.

  • Nonprofit Support - Provide support in areas like admin assistance, legal services, web design, photography, videography, fundraising, or other professional services.

Which roles are you interested in exploring?

Please give us your picture so we can put a face to your name!

Rocket City Causeway, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and the Secretary of State and is in good standing. Donations are tax deductible as

charitable contributions to the full extent permitted by law. 

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