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We plan educational field trips, classes, and career exploration experiences for kids of all ages. Our event, the Homeschool Show and Share, gives parents a chance to learn more about the options and resources available to them. We also offer educational consultations to help families discover the best direction for their specific academic goals.

Events Spotlight

RCC Programs

Field trips and learning opportunities for families and children of all ages


Career Exploration Group

for teens


Various subgroups to connect families and children of all ages


Thriving Facebook Group & Community

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Educational Consultations


Nursing Home

Resident Enrichment


Connecting families with opportunities to serve at local areas in need

(food banks, shelters, etc.)

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At the center of the Alabama Learning Conference is the Homeschool Show and Share. Connect with Parent Presenters passionate about their favorite curriculum and teaching materials. Ask questions, explore resources, and see firsthand what they love.



Homeschooling 101 

Personalized educational consultations to help guide your family's learning journey.


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Sign up to receive our emails and never miss an opportunity to LEARN, PLAY, or SERVE together!

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Rocket City Causeway, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service and the Secretary of State and is in good standing. Donations are tax deductible as

charitable contributions to the full extent permitted by law. 

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